Just in the nick of time! Miss Garbanza, now known as Elsa Lind Reyes, arrived at 4:35 am on March 12th -- the day before her scheduled eviction by c-section. I went into labor on my own (finally) in the early hours of the morning and Elsa was born only about an hour after we arrived at the hospital. She was definitely in a rush to get out! Elsa was 7 lbs 15 oz (3.6 kg) and 20 inches (51 cm). Elsa and I are doing very well -- we went home two days after she was born. I have to say the recovery has been so much easier than it was with a c-section.
Elsa and Anna have been keeping me busy since I got home. Elsa has an enormous appetite! She never lost weight after birth -- she's only gained. It has been quite an effort to keep up with her feeding demands. Anna has been pretty good with the new member of our household, but I think she's still trying to come to terms with the new order of things. Thankfully, my mom is here to lavish extra attention on Anna to help with the transition. She has been a real lifesaver (as usual).
More pictures will be posted soon!
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