Ladies and Gentlemen – meet the “Garbanzo” – who will be arriving the first week of March. Anna is going to have company! Why “Garbanzo” you may ask? When I first told Carlos that I was pregnant, I said that the baby was about the size of a garbanzo bean, and the name just stuck. Right now, the baby is a bit bigger than a garbanzo bean – 66 mm to be exact. We got confirmation from today’s ultrasound that everything looks good – hurray! Now we just have to wait until I reach 20 weeks to find out whether it is a boy or girl.
So, Garbanzo makes four.
AAAAAH! Congratulations! What wonderful news. And I love your blog - I'm so glad you sent the link. Best possible reading material one could wish for. Much love to you all ...
Nick, Kate and I are so so so thrilled for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!! We cannot wait to see you in October!
my, my, my, aren't you two sneaky! A big congratulations to you all, may number two be as sweet and entertaining as number one. Time for another Stokke crib , I guess!
Sif, Carlos and Anna:
Congrats!! Sandy just forward to me your blog and to my suprise I spoted garbanzo!!! Hope all is well, Love Vivi, JP and Giulia
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