Hello. Is anyone out there? I'm just dusting the cobwebs of this blog.
I don't really have a good reason for not posting for about two months. Just lazy, I guess.
To recap, we spent 5 weeks in Iceland. The girls has loads of fun. Here they are on a picnic:

We started the trip off by going to the north of Iceland to a family reunion. It was wonderful to see all of my cousins since I don't get a chance to see all of them so often. It was also great to drive to the north and see all of the beautiful scenery along the way. Once we got back to the cottage, Carlos arrived and stayed for two weeks. For the most part, we were really lazy, but we did do one adventurous thing -- climbed Mount Hekla (1450 m). Mount Hekla is a volcano, and we can see it from the cottage. The climb took 4 hours and was pretty hard, but very fun. The only disappointing thing was that by the time we got to the top fog had settled on the mountaintop and we could not see a thing once we got there. Oh well. Here we are on our way down from the top:

Tomorrow is a big day -- Anna's first day of school! She is beside herself with excitement (and so am I). I think the girls are very ready to go back to school.