Tuesday, December 25, 2007
We've been having a lovely time with Amma, Afi & Kiddi. Anna and Elsa were so excited to see them. I have a lot of wonderful picture, but they were taken on our new camera and I haven't yet loaded the software for it on my computer. Hopefully, I'll upload them tomorrow.
I wish everyone happiness, health, joy and peace for the rest of this holiday season!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
I took her to my local GP on Thursday to have him look in her ears. The visit just confirmed my suspicions that he takes laissez-faire doctoring to the extreme. I think a child's ear drum would have to actually blow up in his face for him to say that the child has an ear infection! This doctor looked at the one ear that Anna said hurt and proclaimed that there was nothing wrong. Just get back to him in a week if she's still complaining. On Friday, Anna still complained about her ear and on Saturday morning, it looked like there was dried blood in her ear. I knew what that meant -- she did indeed have an ear infection and probably a perforated ear drum! Great. I have a private pediatrician that I have taken the girls to see, but she doesn't have Saturday hours and she is in Kensington (about 20 minutes by Tube). Not terribly convenient. Thankfully, I remembered that a friend of mine had mentioned that there is a private medical clinic in Richmond not too far from my house. So, I called over there to see if they were open on Saturdays. Hurray -- they were. We were able to schedule an appointment and Anna saw a really lovely pediatrician who actually looked at both her ears (and at her throat and listened to her chest -- not something the local NHS GP has ever done when I've taken Anna to see him). Anna does in fact have a perforated ear drum on the right side and an infection on the left side. Wonderful. But, after just a day and a half of antibiotics, she is already seeming much more like her old self.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Lesson Learned
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
4 Years

Somehow, in the blink of an eye, this little person, has become this little four-year old girl.
Poor Anna didn't have the most exciting of birthdays yesterday because Carlos and I both had things at work that could not be rescheduled. So, we sang happy birthday and blew out candles in the morning before work, and we gave her the birthday present (a doll house which has been a huge hit).
On Monday after school, we're going to have a birthday party with some of her friends from nursery school. As usual, I'm getting overly excited for the party -- I'm planning a treasure hunt.
Happy birthday my dear little Anna!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
How could you not love it?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thoughts . . .
Anna has taken to calling Elsa "sister" instead of calling her by her name. Makes for funny-sounding conversations. "Come on sister! Give me back the doll!"
Elsa has decided that it is her job to shush Anna when she is having a melt-down. When Anna goes into tantrum mode, Elsa says to her (complete with an outstretched index finger): "Quiet! Quiet!" I had to bite my lips really hard not to laugh the first time she did this. Now, she even tells babies to be quiet when we're out shopping. Yikes!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Elsa's on the mend, and I managed to get the report done.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Fever, Deadline & Pimples
One thing I've learned over the last two days. No sleep and stress is an excellent way to ensure that I get at least three huge pimples on my face. Lovely.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
20 Months
Elsa is also saying all sorts of new words every day. She always wants to know "what happen?" and tells you to be "very careful". Today she tried to sing happy birthday and managed "happy to you". She really cracks us up.
Terrace Gardens
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Doin' the pigeon
Jim Henson was a genius.
All of this said, if I had to pick a Sesame Street/Muppet song to have stuck in my head all day, this is not the song I would pick (even though it is funny):
It's true, organic is better
At last, evidence that supports why I've been so insistent on buying organic whenever possible!
Eat your words, all who scoff at organic food
Official: organic really is better
Next step, I want to finally sign up for a box delivery scheme that will deliver local, in season (and mostly organic) produce to me on a weekly basis. I've been wanting to sign up for this for ages, but I just haven't gotten around to doing the research to figure out which company I want to use. It seems that there two companies that offer this service for my area, but I haven't figured out what the major difference between the companies is. Interestingly enough, I think the prices are reasonable -- I think I spend a similar amount at my local grocery store. Plus, for me it is a benefit not to have to go to the store because I find that I often purchase things on impulse that just end up going to waste. Having my fresh food delivered to me (I can also order milk and meat through this service), I avoid being suckered into purchases that I wouldn't have otherwise made.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I have made some really good friends here in London, and I also made some good friends during my short stay in New Haven.
Then I have good friends from my law firm days (friends who made that experience infinitely more bearable), and I have good friends from my law school days (in fact, one of them introduced me to Carlos). Luck was in my corner at McGill, too -- I made some very good friends during my four years in Montreal.
However, Lady Luck really outdid herself with my oldest friends -- the "Ladies" (aka, Alice, Alison, Joanne and Liz). We have all known each since kindergarten, except Liz, the newcomer, who we've known since 3rd grade. These women are an incredibly special part of my life, and I value our friendship immensely. We may not see each other very often since it is hard to coordinate schedules and since we live all over the place (Seattle, NY, Boston, DC & London), but as soon as I hear one of their voices or see their lovely faces, I feel like no time has passed. In fact, as I'm sure they would readily attest, I often feel rather juvenile when I'm with them.
Last weekend I had my first weekend away from la familia. Solo. Alone. I had forgotten how easy it is to travel when you are only responsible for yourself. It was nice. I missed the girls and Carlos (I missed the girls a bit more than I missed the hubby), but it was nice to get away. It was especially nice to get away to see the Ladies (minus Joanne ... sadness). Alice, Alison and I descended upon Liz's house in the Boston suburbs, and basically behaved like complete nerds the whole weekend. Poor Joanne was feeling icky and couldn't join. So, we phoned her a lot and pestered her to the point that she probably was glad not to see us! It was really wonderful to get to hang out and just talk about everything and anything.
I hope Lady Luck is as generous with my girls as she has been with me.
Here we are at the end of the weekend (all a little squinty because we were looking directly into the sun).
(from L to R: me, Alice, Liz, Alison)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Nose knowledge
If you ask her: "Elsa, where is your nose?" She will smile, point at her nose and say "nose".
If you ask her: "Elsa, where are you eyes?" She will smile, point at her nose and say "nose".
If you ask her: "Elsa, where is your mouth?" She will smile, point at her nose and say "nose".
I think you get the picture. Despite the nose obsession, Elsa is starting to say a lot of words and some short phrases. For instance, one morning when Carlos left for work very early, Elsa was looking around asking "Where Papa?" She seemed mystified that he had disappeared before she could give him her early morning snuggle.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Picky picky picky = Picky picky picky DNA
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
No willpower
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Did you know?
Carlos just bought Nigella's new book (Nigella Express) for me, and we've been working our way through a bunch of the recipes. I have to say that so far all of them have turned out pretty well.
I've been on a bit of a recipe book kick lately. I've been taking out various popular recipe books from the library to see if I can find any new recipes that the girls will eat. I feel like I am in such a rut with them, always feeding them the same old stuff (especially in the veg department -- cucumbers and baby plum tomatoes are the only things that go down with no fuss). So far, I haven't really hit on any winners with the girls. However, I found out that I quite like turkey meatballs (out of the Dinner Lady cookbook) (but making them wasn't so much fun - I don't like the texture of ground turkey). Anyone have any recipes out there that their kids love???
Monday, October 01, 2007
What would you do with a corn kernel?
The answer, if you are Elsa, is: pick it up, play with it, figure out that it is roughly the same size as your nostril, pop it into your nostril, stick your finger in there to make sure that you get the corn kernel sufficiently far up the nasal cavity to cause you discomfort, sneeze 8 times in a row, and sneeze a 9th time causing a corn kernel to come flying out of your nostril (missing Mamma by mere millimeters).
Yikes. Is Elsa going to be one of those kids that I'm going to be taking to the doctor's on a regular basis to get things extracted out of her nose?!?!
Two good reads
NY Times Op-Ed by Thomas L. Friedman: 9/11 is Over.
Sunday Observer Magazine column by Barbara Ellen: A 21st Century Problem: The Too-Smart Woman [I love her column]
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Making Anna laugh
Step Two: Fall down on your bottom and emit a delicious belly laugh.
Step Three: Go to Step One.
This is practically becoming a nightly routine with Anna and Elsa. Of course, Anna eggs Elsa on because Anna thinks this is incredibly funny. Elsa continues to do it because she loves to make Anna (or anyone for that matter) laugh. It is wonderful, and makes me laugh too, but I would have to say that it is not the most conducive activity to getting the girls relaxed and ready for bed!
This is why I love autumn:
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Body Shop
I think she was really inspiring and forward-thinking. I wish more businesses would be built on her Body Shop model (even though she did say that the Body Shop moved forward, really, through a series of fortunate accidents).
18 months
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Berlin & Barcelona
Anna at the Barcelona aquarium.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Yum ... and not so yum
I had a heavenly main course -- grilled sirloin (perfectly medium rare, closer to the rare side) topped with tallegio cheese (if you've never had this cheese, try it at your earliest opportunity - it is divine) and served with potatoes and a red wine sauce. Very very yummy. Of course, I went over the top and ordered a crazy, completely decadent dessert - hot chocolate mousse with milk chocolate ice cream. It was so good, but really rich. I might, possibly, have been better off with a fruity dessert, but that wouldn't have been as much fun. Top marks for the Glasshouse!!!
In the not so yum category -- Knowing that we were going out to dinner tonight and lamenting the fact that I'm turning into a pudgy pudge pudge, I went for a run during my lunch break today. I'm turning over a new leaf. My plan is to go for a run during lunch on the days that I work and then aim to do one run over the weekend. Modest aims, hopefully do-able. Today I ran a little loop from my house to the river and back. There are strange people that hang out along that stretch of the Thames at midday. In fact, I ran past a pair that reminded me of Lou and Andy from Little Britain (complete with sweatpants and wheelchair). Thank god for my iPod because they said something to me that I didn't hear as I flew (ha ha) past them. I looked back (later wishing I hadn't) to see one wiping the other's bottom. Ick. Although, it was a good incentive to keep running . . . fast.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Garbo in the house
Sunday, August 19, 2007
What is it??
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sif: Version XXXVI
My birthday is getting better after a rather rough start this morning. Elsa had a terrible night (she seems to be having a tough time adjusting to being back in London), and she ended up in our bed by 3:30 am because I just gave up. Then just before 6:00 am, Anna came to our room and told me: "Mamma, my tummy hurts." About 30 seconds later, it became clear why her tummy was hurting. She vomited all over the bed. Poor thing. Anna had one more vomiting episode this morning, and then she was fine for the rest of the day. Alas, after a rather groggy day that involved letting the girls watch way too many DVDs, the little ladies are both asleep.
Carlos had to fly to Switzerland today for work, and he should be back soon. We actually celebrated my birthday in Iceland at the beginning of the month. We went to Reykjavik and had dinner at a great restaurant called Við Tjörnina. Afterwards, we spent the night at Hotel Saga and the next morning went to the Blue Lagoon. It was really fun. On Thursday, we're going to celebrate some more with dinner and a movie.
By the way, did you know that I share my birthday with Fidel Castro and the Berlin Wall?!?
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
New fave
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Cut lefties some slack!
Gene for left-handedness is found - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6923577.stm
So, according to this article, being left-handed means:
- I have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia (?!?!)
- I can think quicker when carrying out tasks such as playing computer games or playing sport
- I could have an advantage in hand-to-hand combat (that's a handy thing to know next time I get into a street-fight)
- I have a greater risk of getting some diseases and of having an accident
A Spaniard in Iceland
My dad arrives a little bit later today. Anna has already drawn several pictures for Afi. All of the pictures are of squid. I don't know why, but all Anna wants to draw these days are squid.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Backyard bounty & careful what you promise
Earlier today, while Elsa had her morning nap, Anna and I took a walk together. I told her she would have to walk by herself for 30 minutes and then I would take her in the carrier backpack afterwards. By the time we had walked for 30 minutes, we had reached about the halfway point of our walk. What I had neglected to take into account is that the second half of our walk would be mostly uphill. Ooops. I got a good workout of walking uphill for about 40 minutes with Anna (weighing in at 33 lbs) on my back.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Always on the move
Here's Anna in Almannagjá.
This would have been a wonderful picture of Elsa if she hadn't moved out of the frame before I could snap it.
Amma is so clever! She figured out a way to put them both on the tricycle and pull them along the deck. They loved it.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Waterfall v. horse
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Up in the Sunny & Rainy North
The girls and I left rainy rainy rainy London for a month in Iceland. We arrived on Sunday morning, and not a cloud was in the sky. It was incredible. And Monday, another beautiful sunny day. Tuesday, see Monday. Wednesday, see Tuesday. Today, see London. Rain at last, but this was a good thing because my mom and relatives said that they haven't had any rain in ages.
Anna and Elsa had a fantastic day with Amma while I worked. It is great that I can pretty much do my job from anywhere in the world, as long as I have an internet connection. Given that we finally got some wet weather, I was able to break out the little rainsuits I bought for the girls before we left London. We got them dressed in them this morning, and I think they look like they are wearing little pink hazmat suits!
Yesterday, while Elsa napped, I took Anna out for a walk in the hills behind the cottage. I was so surprised by how much stamina she had. She walked for almost an hour on really uneven terrain and only asked to be carried once. We found a big rock for her to climb.
She did lots of jumping in the fields.
And we picked a pretty bouquet of yellow and white wildflowers for Amma.
Here's a pic of the little ladies enjoying the comfiest sofa on the planet. They better get in some quality time on the sofa before their papa arrives and takes it over ... until their uncle Kiddi arrives, and Carlos and Kiddi are going to have to duke it out for sofa time or cuddle up with one another.